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40 days of connecting with God and with Each other: Week 3

Day Twenty-Two - Sunday, October 17

Read Jesus' Prayer in Luke 11:2-4.

Take some time to re-write this prayer in a way that is meaningful to you and speaks to what Hod is doing in your life right now.

Day Twenty-Three - Monday, October 18

Consider This...

"Prayer is not so much convincing God to do what we want God to do, as it is convincing ourselves what God wants us to do." -Shane Claiborne

Day Twenty-Four - Tuesday, October 19

Often when we have practiced communion together at Hope Fellowship we pray that Christ may transform us to be the body of Christ for the world. How might Christ be inviting you to live this out today?

Day Twenty-Five - Wednesday, October 20

Read the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37. Who has God brought in your path this week to whom you extend God's grace and mercy?

Day Twenty-Six - Thursday, October 21

In Matthew 28:20, Jesus promises to be with us "until the end of the age". How does this promise bring you comfort? How does this promise from God challenge you to take a step of faith?

Day Twenty-Seven - Friday, October 22

What are your prayers today? 

How might you put "legs" or action to your words?

Day Twenty-Eight - Saturday, October 23

Jesus often reached out to those beyond his "circle". Think about someone you consider "opposite" of you or outside of your circle. How might you connect with them today with no strings attached?​

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